Portugal purchases 2 AOR’s from Turkish STM

The Portuguese Navy has signed a contract for the purchase of two AOR’s (Auxiliary Oiler Replenishment) with the Turkish shipyard STM for a so far undisclosed figure (1) but expected to be on the 100 million euro figure.

STM on Twitter/X

This contract comes under the NRE+ (Navios Reabastecedores de Esquadra e Logisticos) project that aims to replace the NRP Bérrio fleet support tanker that has been out of service since 2020. The replacement of the Bérrio initially had a budget of 150 million euros under the Military Programming Law for a single vessel, since 2023, however that changed to 100 million euros for two ships, with Navy Chief of Staff Admiral Gouveia e Melo stating that they had negotiated the price down to 50 million euros per ship with two shipyards and that it would also have a ro-ro capability (2).

NRP Bérrio, via Marinha

The Portuguese Navy initially launched a tender for on the 1st of April 2024 (3) for two AOR’s with a budget of 100 million euros, later on the 23rd of August the tender came to an end with the decision to not sign any contract (4).

AOR render, via Marinha

The first vessel will begin construction in 2025, but so far it isn’t known when it will be delivered.

Infographic of the future AOR’s, via NavalNews

The ships will have a length of 137 m and a displacement of 11k tons, their maximum speed with the diesel engines will be 18 knots, maximum speed with electric engines 6 knots and their range at the cruise speed of 14 knots will be 14000 nautical miles being able to stay at sea for up to 90 days, with a crew of 100 sailors.

AOR render, via STM

Cargo capacity wise they will hold 4000 m3 of F-76 fuel, 350 m3 of F-44 fuel, 650 m3 of clean water, 700 m3 of general cargo, 6x 20ft containers and ammunition.

AOR render, via STM

For self-defence, the ships will be armed with two CWIS (Close-in Weapon System), per the renders being two Phalanx guns, and the Portuguese Navy does have two spare systems; next are two 12.7mm RWS and four chaff/decoy systems. Currently the Navy has an FBO (Future Business Opportunities) for Naval RWS systems via NSPA. The FBO is expected to turn into a Request for Proposals on the 19th of December, among the scope of the project is the purchase of two 12.7mm RWS for an AOR and the option to buy another two systems (5).

AOR render, via STM

Sensors wise, the vessels will have a 2D radar, IFF, Link 16 and 22 capability, X and S Band navigation radar, Electro-Optical system, electronic warfare and a combat management system.

AOR render, via STM

Lastly they will be able to accommodate 100 more personnel, they are to have a deck for helicopters and an UAV hangar, lastly the ships will also be able to carry up to 20 Vamtac ST5 vehicles.


1 https://www.stm.com.tr/tr/medya/haberler/turk-savunma-sanayiinde-tarihi-ihracat-stm-portekiz-donanmasi-icin-lojistik-destek-gemileri-insa-edecek

2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6BnL5E3OMY8&t=1316s

3 https://www.base.gov.pt/Base4/pt/detalhe/?type=anuncios&id=378086

4 https://www.base.gov.pt/Base4/pt/detalhe/?type=cnccs&id=229174

5 https://eportal.nspa.nato.int/eProcurement5G/Opportunities/Opportunities/FutureBusinessOpportunityDetails/XnXBt2vGTSwjUvNYi0yYww
